Understanding the differences in entrepreneurship in the United States and Brazil makes it easier to establish companies in the North American country.

16 de June de 2020by Larson Accounting

Understanding the differences in entrepreneurship in the United States and Brazil makes it easier to establish companies in the North American country.


Becoming an entrepreneur in Brazil is not an easy task. You need to be determined, creative and dedicated in decision making, persistent and very optimistic to keep your business running. Once the economy is in crisis, actions need to be taken with caution and the entrepreneur has to identify opportunities to turn them into something profitable. Most Brazilians venture autonomously into Brazil, without any assistance from public agencies to become regulated companies, they get into unknown areas affected by the desire to undertake, and they do not take into account the need for specialized help from entities and associations.


In the United States, despite having a different language, the laws and rules for undertaking are a little simpler. The American country represents the largest economy in the world, providing incentives for research, entrepreneurship, technology and consumption, and is a prosperous nation for new business. It is unusual to hire a service from a local company and the company does not keep its agreement with the client, as often happens in Brazil. To understand this process of how to open your company in the United States it will be necessary to first know the differences between undertaking in the North American country and in Brazil.


– The difference in education

Education in the United States is geared toward the independence of students, focusing on actions that develop their autonomy and decision-making from a very young age, without having to wait for a retirement or other government programs. There, citizens are prepared to invest and open their own businesses, since they have a base of how the whole process works, being easier to undertake.

In Brazil, schools do not encourage citizens to have entrepreneurial sensibility or to attend events with the purpose of generating business. The first contact comes after choosing a course in the area or a degree. When it comes to entrepreneurship on Brazilian soil, many people run away and give up because they fear taking risks. It is a nation where almost everyone would rather earn some money and be employed than build their own business.


– Focus and organization

American entrepreneurs don’t leave home without a business card, they praise professionalism. They create well organized websites and projects because they need results. By networking, it is well-known that Brazilians don’t exactly operate that way. The lack of a company structure and disorder makes the Brazilian entrepreneurs fall behind the Americans.


– Marketing Strategies

Another point that affects the Brazilian entrepreneur is the low investment in technology. While Americans make a high investment in websites, e-commerce, app, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Whatsapp, among other tools that help in the prospecting of their businesses, Brazilians use them wrongly, without much professionalism. To be successful in the US market as a good entrepreneur it is necessary to study how digital media work to capture and engage clients. If there is no focus on digital presence, possibly the entrepreneur may fail when trying to open his business in the United States.


– Business recovery

Dealing with failure is one of the crucial points in keeping the business going. In Brazil, when something doesn’t deliver the expected result, the companies close, investors vanish, clients judge and the discouragement process begins. The entrepreneur drops the idea of having a successful business because he fears a new failure. In the United States it is different, since entrepreneurs were taught from an early age that there is no failure but a start over. Many investors are even interested in putting their money into companies in which the founders have some experience of previous failures, ensuring that they do not make the same mistakes.


-Finance organization

Americans are also great buyers and highly organized with their finances. As a country with the largest consumer market in the world, they take into consideration price surveys and decisions when purchasing a product. The consumer really knows what he or she wants and they pay the fair price so everyone involved can perform their best. In addition, entrepreneurs organize their finances in spreadsheets, agendas and daily planners to understand what they have spent and where their money is going.

Therefore, before undertaking in the United States, it is necessary to understand the current market and focus on quality, organization, planning and actions that will give your company a competitive edge.

Larson Accounting