Home Office Tips – Reinvent yourself!

7 de December de 2020by Larson Accounting
Almost overnight, after the beginning of the pandemic, many companies had to adapt themselves to remote work. For some, this task was very easy, and even with the end of the lockdown they kept the home office, but yet, for many others, this fitting was a little more complicated.
As time goes by we see that this practice of working remotely will be increasingly widespread and thinking about making this transition easier, the Larson Accounting Group has developed some tips to make “working from home” as productive as working from the office.
1 – Have an organized space to work.
Pick a room in your home and make it your office, try to put in this space everything that is necessary to perform your job and remove everything that can become a distraction. When choosing this room, give preference a quiet and airy one.
2 – Create a routine
Establish a working day and stick to it, also set your break times for lunch, rest and coffee.
3 – Take breaks and stretch out
It is natural that after long periods of sitting, our body feels fatigue and pain. In order to avoid this, is highly recommended breaks for stretching. This way the muscles are relaxed and the stress is also relieved. Besides stretching, taking care of the posture is very important to prevent muscle aches and pains.
4 – Keep yourself hydrated
A very simple tip, but what makes all the difference is to stay hydrated. When our body is dehydrated we tend to feel headaches. In addition, our memory and thinking capacity are also affected. Therefore, drink plenty of liquid during the day, give preference to water, coconut water and isotonics.
5 – Disconnect from work at the end of the day
Is the stipulated working day over? Turn off your computer, leave your office, even if it is inside your home, and do your personal things. Although the home office has many benefits, it is important to know how to separate things and not end up being held hostage from work.
So, did you like the tips prepared by our team? How about sharing with your colleagues to spread the culture of remote working in your company? Being prepared for the most diverse situations is always worthwhile and #Larson is with you.

Larson Accounting