Good partnerships help entrepreneurs to succeed in their businesses

16 de June de 2020by Larson Accounting

Good partnerships help entrepreneurs to succeed in their businesses


A good business alliance is able to strengthen the company, make it recognized in the market, conquer other segments, open a new portfolio of customers and services and also a range of opportunities that the company could not achieve if it remained independent. Moreover, alliances are necessary to expand the customer base and strengthen existing ones. We can mention the example of Uber and Spotify in the United States, which have made a partnership where Uber’s customers, besides knowing the music streaming service, can control the radio during the whole trip. This has given both companies a new range of customers and opportunities to leverage their business.

Partnerships are beneficial to every business, from micro and small to large companies, as long as they know how to take advantage of the partnership in a way that brings good results for both. Therefore, it is important that the entrepreneur analyzes how he can create alliances to enable the company to grow. It is recommended to look for reliable partners, with similar values and business trajectories and with similar personalities so there are no major differences of ideas.

To build a successful alliance you must first decide what kind of partnership is needed to leverage the business. Will there be several partners for social promotion or distribution? It is important to bear in mind some projects in order to be able to choose the right kind of partnership your company needs. Understanding the advantages of working with another company is essential. A good alternative is to research how they will contribute to your growth and make an assessment of what is needed for the partnership to work. The entrepreneur who seeks the partnership needs to clarify his goals and facilitate the conditions so that together they reach the targets proposed.

Below you will learn 6 tips to achieve a successful partnership:


1 – Point out the aims of the partnership

Alliances and business partnerships connect companies so that together they can improve their reputation and thrive in new markets, which is why it is important to clarify your goals as an entrepreneur and what you intend to achieve with the partnership. By setting out the aims you will give your partner the opportunity to talk about your business and listen to the ideas that may strengthen both companies.


2 – Make your partner’s work easier

It is important that both sides make the alliance as easy as possible and are committed to the business growth. A partnership to work must not become complicated. Deliver materials, projects, marketing pieces and demonstrations so that your partner can promote your products in a simple way. This will also ensure more visibility for your company and a new range of customers.


3 – Set out the structure of the partnership

Elaborating a structure with details is not always a simple task when building a successful partnership, but it is important to specify what the partnership will accomplish for each company and what the domain of each partner is. When you start your company you have already set the roles that each employee would take on, and the same should be done when you take on the partnership, so that one of the team gets a specific title with clearly stated responsibilities.


4 – Think of your partner as a member of your team

From the moment you consider your partner as part of your team and not as a competitor, you will be even more successful. Conflicts may delay or undo the partnership before you even make a profit, which is why you need to be fully integrated in both teams.


5 – Be honest and transparent


To achieve the desired successful partnership, you need honesty and transparency in transactions, interactions and in what you want for your company. Whenever possible, keep communication open, make your strengths and weaknesses known to your partner. Companies need to be more transparent about their business, explaining what is missing and what they offer in order to decide if the partnership is a good idea.


6 – Have a good relationship

Observing and encouraging your partner’s business is a step that helps strengthen the partnership. The more you are able to show how your company will help, the more the partnership will benefit both of you.

A successful alliance will bring advantages to both companies, access to new audiences and ease of prospecting new clients, besides leveraging reputation, brand and influence in the market, making companies with more competitive potential over others.

Larson Accounting